What We Do
Every year since 2009 (except for 2020), Operation Toy Train runs special trains during the holiday season to collect donated toys for the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation and other local civic organizations.
These organizations collect toys during October, November, and December each year and redistribute them as holiday gifts to underprivileged children in the communities where the campaigns are conducted.
Operation Toy Train stops at multiple locations across the United States, where members of the public can drop off toys, meet Santa Claus, view a variety of working railroad equipment, and meet members of the Marine Corps and the Operation Toy Train program. Bring your camera, because Santa loves to take pictures with his friends!
Near each stop, our local business and organizational partners set up large toy collection boxes from October through December and solicit donations from visitors and the public. These businesses and partners then bring these boxes to our train when it arrives in their neighborhood. Members of the public who can’t attend the train are encouraged to drop off new toys in their original packaging at these local collection points prior to the local train date. If your business or organization is interested in becoming a collection site, visit our How to Get Involved page for more information.
Multiple railroads (and their personnel) donate their time, equipment, and the use of their tracks to Operation Toy Train each year. Additional railroad equipment, funds, and volunteer staff come from a number of additional non-profit and for-profit organizations. See what organizations are already on board at our Partners & Supporters page.